Welcome to SSHIFT DAO, a pioneering organisation at the intersection of AI & blockchain. We're not just adopting AI - we're transforming how it intertwines with our everyday life, enhancing human creativity, and driving a new age of productivity and specialisation.

Through our NFT collections and future Quark Token ($QRK), we are creating unique gateways to a universe of AI-powered tools and communities, beginning with our Discord offerings. Join us as we usher in a new era of human and AI collaboration.


About us

Our mission is to leverage AI as an evolutionary leap forward. Since the dawn of civilization, humans have progressed through the division of labour and specialisation. Now, we stand at the precipice of another monumental shift. By taking on routine and labour-intensive tasks, AI frees us to reach new heights in creative productivity.

Our vision is a future where AI and humans collaborate seamlessly in nearly all aspects of life. We're starting this journey with our first extremely limited supply NFT collection, "Move Bots", minted on the APTOS blockchain.

Move Bots NFT Collection

The "Move Bots" NFT collection is an exclusive key to being a founding member of our new AI-driven community. Comprising 111 unique NFTs, each ownership grants access to our generic Discord products, any APTOS/MOVE specific products we develop in the future & Quark Token airdrop and staking.

Mint date: 6th July 2023 at 1900 UTC

Supply: 111

Mint price: 0.45 APT (SOLD OUT)

20% of mint funds will pay the team.

80% of mint funds will be placed into a DAO treasury to fund the API calls of the products and any other costs associated with the running of the DAO.

Royalties will be set at 7.5% and will follow the same split as the mint funds.

Qribbles NFT Collection

The Qribbles NFT collection is the next generation collection from SShift, expanding our community and becoming growth ready. Comprising 3333 unique NFTs, each ownership grants access to our generic Discord products, any APTOS/MOVE specific products we develop in the future & Quark Token airdrop and staking.

Mint date: 23rdth Feb 2024 at 1600 UTC

Supply: 3333

Public Mint price: 1 APT

75% of mint funds will be placed into a DAO treasury to fund the launch and liquidity for Quark Token ($QRK) that will form the next stage of the SShift long term plan.

Royalties will be set at 4% and will be used to support the community and it's growth.

The Team


Founder, Developer and artist

Get in Touch with SSHIFT DAO