Gold Pressed Quark ($QRK)

Discover the future with The Gold Pressed Quark - coming to SShift DAO members and eventually the broader APTOS community.

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The Gold Pressed Quark (QRK) Token Distribution Plan: Unveiling the Cosmic Gateway


In the grand expanse of the universe, the Quark (QRK) token emerges not just as a currency, but as a symbol of a civilization's initiation into an era of interstellar enlightenment and unity. Adorned with the image of General Quark, these tokens stand as a testament to the impending arrival of an epoch marked by advanced knowledge and galactic integration. At the heart of this cosmic event are the Qribbles, ethereal fore-bearers of General Quark's arrival. The minting of Qribble NFTs is a key step in this journey, serving not only as a beacon of joy and harmony but also as a mechanism that actively accelerates the manifestation of this new dawn.

Distribution Overview
Total Supply:

1,000,000,000 $QRK

Move Bots Airdrop:

20 million QRK - Symbolic precursors to the Qribbles, heralding the initial phase of awakening.

Qribbles Airdrop:

50 million QRK - Central to the cosmic narrative, the minting of Qribble NFTs is directly tied to hastening General Quark's arrival. These tokens, through their vibrant presence, prepare worlds for a transformation, embedding the essence of joy and harmony in anticipation of greater unity.

Aptos NFT Communities Airdrops:

150 million QRK - Facilitating the integration of diverse planetary societies into the galactic federation, marking their readiness for the enlightenment General Quark brings.

Initial Liquidity:

200 million QRK - Establishing the economic foundation for this expansive vision of interstellar commerce and collaboration.


50 million QRK - Acknowledging the visionaries and pioneers who have paved the way for this galactic renaissance.

Competitions and Giveaways:

30 million QRK - Celebrating the collective creativity and unity of the cosmos through engagement and participation.

Staking and Farming Rewards:

350 million QRK - Incentivizing the sustained growth and vibrancy of the interconnected civilizations within the Quark ecosystem.

Reserve / Future Use:

150 million QRK - Ensuring readiness for the uncharted territories and opportunities that lie in the vastness of space.

Strategic Objectives

Community Engagement through Airdrops

Dedicating a significant portion of the allocation to community airdrops, especially through the Qribbles Airdrop, reflects a profound understanding of their role as harbingers. Minting these NFTs not only symbolises a world's preparedness for a renaissance but actively engages its inhabitants in the cosmic narrative, setting the stage for General Quark's guidance.

Liquidity and Growth Support

The allocations for initial liquidity, team/VC compensation, and reserves lay the groundwork for a stable and flourishing galactic marketplace. This economic stability is crucial for supporting the seamless integration of civilizations into the federation, underpinned by the prosperity and wisdom that General Quark's arrival promises.

Incentives for Participation

The strategic allocation of tokens for staking, farming rewards, competitions, and giveaways serves as a catalyst for long-term engagement within the Quark ecosystem. This framework fosters a dynamic and participatory community, mirroring the collaborative spirit of the interstellar federation. Through these initiatives, societies are encouraged to embrace their new era of existence, united by the shared values of harmony, peace, and exploration.


The Quark (QRK) token distribution plan is a visionary blueprint for ushering in an age of interstellar enlightenment and unity. By centering the Qribbles NFTs as the cornerstone of this grand venture, the plan not only symbolises readiness but actively propels civilizations towards their integration under the wise stewardship of General Quark. This strategic distribution serves as the bedrock for a future where planets thrive in the vast network of the galactic community, sharing knowledge, resources, and the boundless wonders of the cosmos.